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Healthy lunchbox activity for kids

Writer's picture: Abbey Abbey

In my Instagram stories last week I shared a healthy lunchbox activity I did with the kids at home. It was super easy, fun for the kids and educational too! I've had lots of requests to share more information about it so here it is.

Step 1.

Explain to your child that there are 5 food groups while showing them the image of the AGHE.

Step 2.

Together work your way through each food group asking your child to identify the foods they can see in each group and ask them to list out some of their favourites.

Step 3.

Use the below simple guidelines to talk about why each food group is important.

FRUIT - Full of important vitamins, minerals and fibre to keep us healthy.

VEGETABLES - Contain similar nutrients to fruit and important for good health. Aim to eat a rainbow of different coloured vegetables and fruit.

GRAINS - Give us energy. Choose wholegrain varieties for more fibre and nutrients.

PROTEIN - Fills us up and helps with muscle growth and development.

DAIRY/CALCIUM - Helps keep our bones and teeth nice and strong.

Step 4.

Ask your child to create and draw their own healthy lunchbox using food from each of the 5 groups. I helped my kids with an outline of their lunchbox and they filled in each section with drawings of food.

Step 5.

Next get them into the kitchen! Depending on their age they may need some help with chopping etc but allow them as much hands on input as you can.

I hope you and your kids enjoy this activity just like we did! If you do this activity too please tag me in some pictures of it, I love to see what you are all doing and if you are happy for me to I'd love to share it in my stories!

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